EMG Surface Electrodes
52 items found in EMG Surface Electrodes

DTS01: Disposable Skin Temperature Strips
- $59.00 USD

FC-294: Finger Clips, Booted
- $89.00 USD

RS-ETL: Large Sterile Alligator Clip, Steel
- $54.00 USD

FC-2: Finger Clips, Round Style, Booted
- $126.00 USD

RE-M: Pediatric Sensory (Ring) Electrodes
- $51.00 USD

FC-EZP: Pediatric Finger Clips, Clamp Style
- $79.00 USD

FC-T-SAF: Interdigital (Toe or Finger) Clips
- $109.00 USD

QTAB Series: Economical Q-Trace Hydrogel Electrodes
- From $12.00 USD
EMG Surface Electrodes for Electromyography (EMG) / Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS / NCV)
The Electrode Store offers many types of surface electrodes such as bar electrodes, disc electrodes, ground electrodes, disposable electrodes, ring electrodes, and finger clip electrodes.
Disposable Surface Electrodes (Single-Patient-Use)
Single-use EMG / NCS surface electrodes minimize risks of cross-contamination. Available with wires attached (Models 1023 & 1025) or with alligator clips (bar, ring, or tab electrode options available). Also, you spend less time and money on labor because you don't have to clean them - just dispose of the electrodes after use.
Re-usable Sensory / Surface Electrodes and Bar Electrodes
We manufacture every conceivable configuration of bar electrodes (anode distal, cathode distal, flat or concave electrode surface, shielded or un-shielded wiring), plus finger clips (adult and pediatric), sensory ring electrodes, disc and ground electrodes large and small, and more.